Daily Horoscopes: November 5, 2019
November 5, 2019Download the Astro Guide app by VICE on an iOS device to read daily horoscopes personalized for your sun, moon, and rising signs, and learn how to apply cosmic events to self care, your friendships, and relationships.
Mars, the planet of war, clashes with Pluto, the planet of destruction, at 5:23 AM—now isn't the time to pick fights! Watch out for tempers, and find productive, healthy ways to express your anger. The moon in Aquarius connects with generous Jupiter at 6:29 AM, helping us feel our emotions on a deep level. The moon clashes with Mercury at 9:37 AM, stirring up conversation before entering gentle, creative water sign Pisces at 6:08 PM.
All times ET.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)
Your two ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, clash today, bringing change and igniting short tempers. Watch out for arguments—this isn't the day to start a fight unless you want to destroy a relationship. As angry as today's vibes might be, the moon enters fellow water sign Pisces, encouraging you to find ways to enjoy yourself.

Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)
Warrior planet Mars clashes with Pluto, the lord of the underworld, stirring up angry emotions, especially concerning money. It's time for a change! The moon enters Pisces, bringing your focus to your home and family, and encouraging you to reflect on safety and privacy.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)
You have no patience today as action planet Mars clashes with destructive Pluto—avoid getting into arguments! You're eager for a big change to take place at work, and may even feel quite angry about it; try to find healthy ways to express yourself. The moon enters Pisces, bringing information your way.

Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)
It's an intense day for communication as Mars clashes with Pluto—avoid picking arguments, and give yourself space to be alone if you need it. There's an unpredictable and irritable energy in the air until the moon enters Pisces this evening—finds ways to feel secure and safe.

Pisces (February 18 - March 20)
Astrologers love to say you go with the flow, Pisces, but you're entitled to your preferences and boundaries, too! As Mars clashes with Pluto today, you're done being a doormat, especially in your social circle. The moon enters your sign, asking you to nurture yourself.

Aries (March 20 - April 19)
Anger is a normal human emotion, and there's no shame in feeling it, especially as your ruling planet Mars clashes with Pluto today. Just remember that you have a reputation to protect, and find healthy ways to express your anger. The moon enters Pisces this evening, reminding you to rest.

Taurus (April 19 - May 20)
Watch out for road rage as warrior planet Mars clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto. You're usually very patient, Taurus, but today you may see red. The moon enters sensitive water sign Pisces, encouraging you to talk things out with friends.

Gemini (May 20 - June 21)
An aggressive energy is in the air as warrior planet Mars clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto. That said, you can tap into a massive well of creativity today as you access your anger. The moon enters Pisces, encouraging you to bring your creativity to your career.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You're not a fan of confrontation, Cancer, but you'll use your crabby pincers if you must! Warrior planet Mars clashes with destructive Pluto, stirring up an irritable energy in your private life and in your relationships. The moon enters Pisces, inspiring you to take some time away from it all—you're in the mood to travel.

Leo (July 22 - August 23)
Watch out for sharp words as warrior planet Mars clashes with destructive Pluto—this isn't the day to pick an argument! The moon enters sensitive water sign Pisces, asking you to make space for grief and other heavy emotions.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You're ready to rip things to shreds and start over, Virgo. Warrior planet Mars clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, and you're not feeling very patient today. Love and money are intense topics for you at this time. Remember that it's OK to be angry and find healthy ways to express yourself. The moon enters Pisces this evening, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart.

Libra (September 22 - October 23)
It's easy for you to get along with others, but that doesn't mean you need to put up with anyone's bad behavior! You're in no mood to be tested, especially in your personal life and at home, as warrior planet Mars clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto. The moon enters Pisces, encouraging you to reflect on your schedule and to-do list.
What's in the stars for you in November? Read your monthly horoscope here.
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