About Media Network Inc.

About Media Network Inc.

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Our Mission

Our Mission

Media Network Online is a television, print, and online news and network focused on providing independent and uncompromising journalism.

Our staff, in collaboration with courageous journalists around the globe, will investigate report and debate stories on the critical issues of our times.

What’s Real About Us

We won’t blindly follow wire services or official press releases that attempt to set the news agenda. We will cover the big stories of the day, but we will broaden the definition of what’s important.

Media Network Online will investigate, report and debate stories that help us understand the critical issues of our time.

The movements for the rights of working people, women, children, immigrants, indigenous people, for freedom of religion and conscience, for moral and spiritual values and for peace and against racism are news. The health of our planet will be a story, day after day.

Who’s a Newsmaker?

We will cover people in high office, but we won’t limit our news to official positions or the partisan horse race for power. We think that people who fight for human rights and work for solutions are newsmakers.

Bias, Accountability and Transparency

We all have interests. We recognize that bias will affect the elements in a story we choose to highlight, the facts we consider important and the sources we decide to trust. To be human is to have bias. The answer is transparency; Media Network Online will create forums for questioning, debating and criticizing our work.

Targeting a Mass Audience

We will make stories that matter dramatic and engaging. We will combine sizzle with substance, understanding that craft and entertainment values are critical to winning a large audience

Daring Debate

Many sides of an issue will be explored, taking debate beyond narrow partisanship. Guests will have deep knowledge and investigated opinions. Debate will be lively and witty and will resist personal attacks, talking points and empty rhetoric.

Back to Basics

Media Network Online relies on verifiable journalism, seeking truth without bowing to pressure and fearlessly following the evidence wherever it leads.