Daily Horoscopes: July 14, 2019
July 13, 2019Download the Astro Guide app by VICE on an iOS device to read daily horoscopes personalized for your sun, moon, and rising signs, and learn how to apply cosmic events to self care, your friendships, and relationships.
The sun in sensitive and emotional Cancer opposes power planet Pluto in industrious Capricorn at 10:46 AM. This is a powerful time to create change, but egos are clashing. A power struggle may arise, and something that's been buried may resurface. Take the high road in all you do, and open yourself to transformation—this may mean accepting that you're wrong, letting go of the past, or even relinquishing some power. You don’t have to be the only one in charge. The moon enters Capricorn at 7:05 PM, and a big emotional release is on the way.
All times ET.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This is a powerful week for you when it comes to relationships. Let go of what's no longer serving you. Watch out for power struggles as the sun opposes Pluto. The moon enters Capricorn, asking you to get clear on your needs in a partnership. Destiny is making unexpected calls to you, Cancer.

Leo (July 22 - August 23)
Your ruling planet, the Sun, opposes Pluto, the lord of the underworld, today, creating a stressful energy around productivity. Take it slow and don't get into a power struggle with someone—find a way to compromise. The moon enters Capricorn, encouraging you to get organized. A change in your schedule is coming.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
It's a complicated day in your social life as the sun opposes Pluto, and drama bubbles to the surface. You just want to have fun—but it's hard with all these tensions and power struggles taking place! The moon enters Capricorn, inspiring you to tap into your creative abilities.

Libra (September 22 - October 23)
Tension between your private and public life arrives today as the sun and Pluto face off. Traditions and expectations are changing, which can be very triggering for some people. The moon enters Capricorn, encouraging you to focus on home and family.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)
It's a tense day for communication as the sun opposes Pluto—a conversation you don't want to have is here. Don't avoid it, don't play games, and don't manipulate the situation. Be present, honest, and open to change. News comes your way at the moon enters Capricorn.

Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)
It's a tricky day for finances as the sun opposes Pluto. Use the tense energy to pay off a debt, or to stand firm about what you are owed. Just avoid getting into an ego battle. The moon enters Capricorn, encouraging you to reflect on your needs in cash and security.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)
It's a tense day in your relationships as the sun opposes Pluto. Be gentle, even though you're feeling compelled to totally dominate the situation. Compromise and transformation can be found if you don't succumb to a full on ego battle. The moon enters Capricorn—focus on self care! Get a massage, delicious food, and some rest.

Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)
The sun and Pluto's opposition finds you realizing just how much you can—and can't!—fit into your schedule. Watch out for a power struggle today. The moon enters Capricorn, encouraging you to get plenty of rest.

Pisces (February 18 - March 20)
Big drama arrives in your love life and social circle today as the sun opposes Pluto. The pressure has been building and a major release takes place this week. The moon enters Capricorn, asking you to get real about some of your friendships.

Aries (March 20 - April 19)
Cancer season finds you in a cozy mood—but the pressure is on today as the sun opposes Pluto. Bring in a third party if you find yourself in a power struggle with an authority figure. The moon enters Capricorn, asking you to be your most mature self.

Taurus (April 19 - May 20)
You have no time for a power struggle, but here you are, possibly finding yourself in the middle of one! Check your ego as the sun opposes Pluto and stay cool during tense communications today. Secrets are revealed. The moon enters Capricorn, asking you to look at the big picture.

Gemini (May 20 - June 21)
Money: On one hand, you can't take it with you when you die, and on the other, you sort of can't live without it. Even if you're a totally kept twin, cash is just part of the world we're living in, and today, an ego clash arrives in your finances or security. Choose your battles wisely. The moon enters Capricorn, asking you to release grudges and old emotional baggage.
What's in the stars for you in July? Read your monthly horoscope here.
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