Daily Horoscopes: June 27, 2019
June 26, 2019Download the Astro Guide app by VICE on an iOS device to read daily horoscopes personalized for your sun, moon, and rising signs, and learn how to apply cosmic events to self care, your friendships, and relationships.
The moon in fiery Aries clashes with warrior planet Mars at 3:51 AM—watch out for tempers! The moon clashes with communication planet Mercury at 10:23 AM, and we’re saying what’s on our minds. The moon enters earth sign Taurus at 9:32 AM, shifting the mood from impulsive to chill. The sun connects with Uranus at 1:44 PM, inspiring us to do our own thing—fitting in is overrated! The moon meets Uranus at 8:34 PM, and surprises are in the air. The moon connects with the sun at 9:07 PM, creating a helpful and encouraging atmosphere.
All times ET.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The moon enters Taurus, encouraging you to connect with your friends, and as the sun connects with Uranus, you find yourself in the presence of eccentric and inspiring people. It's an excellent day to make wishes!

Leo (July 22 - August 23)
The moon enters Taurus, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules the spotlight and your reputation. How do you want to be seen, Leo? You're taking risks as the sun connects with Uranus and you want to stand out from the crowd.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
The moon enters fellow earth sign Taurus, inspiring you to get out of town. You want to go somewhere random and unexpected as the sun connects with Uranus. You're craving change, dear Virgo! Exciting news arrives.

Libra (September 22 - October 23)
The moon enters Taurus, illuminating a very private sector of your chart. Make time to sit with your emotions today, Libra; complicated financial issues are on your mind. Unexpected solutions are formed as the sun connects with Uranus.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)
The moon enters Taurus, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules relationships. The sun connects with rebellious Uranus, finding you and your partners having unexpected discussions. A breakthrough is possible.

Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)
The moon enters Taurus, inspiring you to get grounded and organized, Sagittarius. The sun connects with Uranus, bringing an unexpected solution to an annoying problem.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)
The moon enters fellow earth sign Taurus, finding you in a sensual mood, Capricorn. The energy is flirty and creative. Unexpected interactions take place as the sun connects with wildcard Uranus.

Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)
The moon enters Taurus, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules home and family. The sun connects with your ruling planet Uranus, finding you making much-needed changes in your everyday routine.

Pisces (February 18 - March 20)
The moon enters Taurus, illuminating the communication sector of your chart, and exciting news is shared as the sun connects with Uranus. Some surprise flirtations and creative breakthroughs also take place!

Aries (March 20 - April 19)
The moon enters Taurus, encouraging you to slow down and connect with your senses—but that doesn't mean you're any less of a risk-taker, especially as the sun connects with wildcard Uranus, finding you shaking things up at home.

Taurus (April 19 - May 20)
The moon enters your sign today, Taurus, so make time to connect with your emotions! This can mean talking something out with a friend or unplugging from the world to cook yourself a great meal with your own hands instead of ordering take-out. Surprising news arrives as the sun connects with Uranus; breakthroughs are taking place.

Gemini (May 20 - June 21)
The moon enters Taurus, encouraging you to slow down and get some rest—which won't be easy as the sun connects with Uranus, bringing surprises your way. Watch out for flashes of psychic insight.
What's in the stars for you in June? Read your monthly horoscope here.
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