Foolish Nature of Picking Winners: Trump’s Tariffs Cost Ford $1 Billion
The CEO of Ford says Trump’s tariffs on metals cost the company $1 billion. Who won?
Hard hitting global and local news
The CEO of Ford says Trump’s tariffs on metals cost the company $1 billion. Who won?
My base scenario all along was that Republicans would lose the House. What about the Senate?
On March 15, 2016, Maurice Brown, an alleged member of the Brooklyn-based Bushwick Crew, posted a photo of himself on…
French President Emmanuel gave a blistering speech at the UN pointed at Trump. I suggest Macron should look at Germany.
After painting “over 15,000 spines,” Jane Mount understands the power of a good book. She has spent years painting commissioned…
Netflix continued its quest to revive the rom-com this weekend, releasing a new original movie that delves into black women’s…
In the last week alone, there’s been a seemingly endless amount of new developments in the saga of Supreme Court…
In the least surprising news of the day, Donald Trump—who himself has been accused of sexual misconduct by many different…
The stage is set for a major confrontation between the US and EU over Trump’s sanctions on Iran.
Walmart will require lettuce and spinach suppliers to contribute to a blockchain database to pinpoint contamination.