Happy California Cap-And-Trade Eve
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A Post Election Rant Now some, not Eli to be sure, might think it is time to call out all those in the US who were predicting a post-election Gotterdammerung for anyone slightly to the left of Dick Cheney (and to be quite clear, Eli is not sure that Dick would be safe either, given his backing for same sex bunnies he is related to), but actually that is not the problem. Rachel Maddow who is about as left as you can get in the US and be on TV nails it, rational people are exasperated to the point of wanting to mole whack any Republican in sight for what they have done to our political choices in the US This pretty much captures Eli’s exasperation, and Tamino’s and the Real Climate crews’.
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View the original here: 2012 US Elections – The People Have Spoken: No Confidence
More here: Far Right Costs Romney the Election; Mitt Romney, Rush Limbaugh, Are the Past; Late Deciders Break for Obama;…
Read the original post: Romney Still Ahead in Gallup Poll But Edge Drops to 1% from 5%