Tag: election

October 7, 2012 0

Chavez, the US, and the Destabilization of Venezuela

By News Desk

StopImperialism.com October 7, 2012  Venezuela goes to the polls this Sunday in an election many are calling a referendum on President Chavez and his policies.  Although there is surely such a dimension, the significance of the elections goes far beyond political opinion and partisan bickering, striking at the heart of the Venezuelan state.   This is because these elections will be used as a front for an attempt to overthrow, by brute force if necessary, the democratically elected government and put in its place a government more amenable to US interests.  If this sounds familiar, it should.  This is precisely the same tactic tried in 2002 in a US-instigated coup that, though it briefly deposed Chavez, ultimately failed.  Now, ten years later, the US imperialist ruling class is prepared to try their hand at regime change in Venezuela once more. The Destabilization Strategy Sunday’s election presents the ideal opportunity for US intelligence to instigate some kind of coup or “color†revolution in Venezuela.  However, in order to achieve this insidious goal, there are very specific strategies, tactics, and contingencies which must be understood.   In his paper , published by the Council on Foreign Relations, former US Ambassador to Venezuela Patrick Duddy presents a number of scenarios in which the election becomes the centerpiece of a destabilization campaign.  Perhaps the most important of these scenarios, one which would be in keeping with the tradition of “color†revolutions all over the world, is the outbreak of violence in the hours after the winner is announced.  Duddy writes, “most plausible scenarios for instability and conflict in Venezuela derive from the premise that the Chavistas will not willingly surrender power and would be willing to provoke violence, orchestrate civil unrest, or engage in various forms of armed resistance to avoid doing so.â€Â  Naturally, Duddy fails to explain for whom such a scenario would be deemed “plausibleâ€.  Because of the nature of the paper and the author, it is fair to assume that he is referring to the US intelligence community for whom this is “plausibleâ€.  Of course, this assertion is made with no precedent of historical evidence of Chavistas engaging in such behavior.  Rather, this is precisely the type of unrest fomented by the United States in the service of regime change.

September 24, 2012 0

France Set to Implode; Troika Soap Opera; Grappling with Neo-Nazis

By News Desk

While the bickering between France, Germany, and the Troika continues, Greece grapples with shadow of Golden Dawn Golden Dawn, which won 7 per cent of the vote in June’s election and entered parliament for the first time, is on a roll, pulling established parties to the right – including Corinth’s socialists. Polls suggest the party has gained ground since the election as anxiety deepens over a possible Greek expulsion from the euro. A poll this week showed a near doubling in the number of people expressing “positive opinions†about Golden Dawn, up from 12 per cent in May to 22 per cent now.

September 9, 2012 0

Romney, Obama fiddle while the planet burns

By News Desk

Romney, Obama fiddle while the planet burns The Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) posted a depressing piece on Friday Sept. 7, about Obama and Romney. While the airwaves are full of advertisements about the differences between them, they have one thing in common: Both are "playing games with environmental disaster." Daphne Wysham, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, says that Obama," — like his Republican opponent — seems to place a higher value on achieving ‘energy independence’ via expanded oil and gas drilling than on action on climate change