Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, February 2024

February 1, 2024 Off By Randon Rosenbohm

Aquarius season highlights your chart’s house of distant travel, education, and beliefs, which can also bring up legal, bureaucratic, organizational matters. These weeks find you looking out beyond your current place, and seeing what’s out there for you.

You’re trying to gain more clarity and definition on any confusing or misleading financial issues when Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune on February 2. This is a helpful aspect for you to better understand what is expected of you, and to talk about your own vision of your ideal career and life’s work.

You change gears on February 5 as your planetary ruler Mercury enters fellow air sign Aquarius. Rather than focusing on money and shared finances—like you have the last few months—you’re thinking more independently and with fresh ideas. 

Look out for shady conversations when Mercury meets with Pluto, the planet of secrets, on February 5. Things that you say can be twisted, and people might see ulterior motives and feel more suspicious. You may get fixated or zoom into the fine print.

Relationships are evolving on February 7 as love planet Venus harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of invention. Connections and partnerships are developing in unexpected ways. Also on this day, February 7, action planet Mars connects with dreamy Neptune, which helps you work intuitively on your dream job.

The new moon on February 8 marks a time to think differently: You can invent new ways of seeing the world, new philosophies, and new itineraries. On February 8, the sun and moon both square off with Uranus, the planet of surprises, signifying unexpected change. A search for certainty can create more questions and open you up to new discoveries.

Your worldview is changing on February 10 as Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy. You can integrate parts of yourself that seem fragmented, making them whole. Therapeutic conversations and ideas about what you believe in, and how you ultimately view yourself and your position in the world, are unfolding.

You have more energy to go the distance when warrior Mars enters Aquarius on February 13. During this transit, you can have more passion about your ideas and feel more motivated to share what you believe. There’s a feeling of support and mutual care as Venus also connects with Neptune, bringing a sentimental vibe to this day.

Ideological conversations get heated on February 14 when Mars meets with Pluto, signifying aggression. You can be passionate about the things you think, and by being extremely logical, end up coming across as offensive or crass. Try to stay cool!

Any ruffled feathers are smoothed over on February 16 as Venus enters air sign Aquarius. You can get more pleasure from research, travel, and education over the coming weeks. Share your ideas with style! A unique approach taken on February 16 as your planetary ruler Mercury clashes with Uranus, giving you a special, customized flair in the ways you speak your mind.

Long distance relationships get new meaning on February 17, when Venus meets with Pluto for the first time in your lifetime. This can transform your relationships with people who live far away from you, or even give you a new relationship to your spirituality and morals.

A new chapter in your career and legacy begins with Pisces season, which starts on February 19. How you show up in the world is made clear, and your reputation comes into focus over the following weeks.

New social dynamics come into the picture when Venus meets with Mars on February 22. Connections to friends, lovers, and community in faraway places brings a refreshing spark of energy. This can motivate you to achieve your goals, or give you another way of looking at things.

New insights about your responsibilities and titles cross your mind when Mercury enters water sign Pisces on February 23. Over the following weeks, conversations about your reputation and career are explored. You might have more visibility or a farther reach. Make yourself accessible so that the right people can find you!

The full moon in Virgo on February 24 illuminates your chart’s house of home and family, which can show you how to resolve or end issues in your private life. This is also a day to be thankful for the places you’ve been, and the experiences that have made you who you are today. A sense of hope and faith that things will work out is activated as Venus clashes with generous Jupiter, also on February 24. There’s a sense that everything works out in the grand scheme of things.

A confident execution takes place on February 27 as action planet Mars clashes with Jupiter, the planet of success. Having faith in yourself, and having an experimental desire to see what happens if you try something outside of your perception can bring you to new heights. 

Important information about your career and responsibilities is revealed on February 28 as Mercury meets with the sun and Saturn. While you might feel melancholic, you’re able to be more realistic than perfectionistic. The sun and Saturn together show you how to get organized and clear headed about what is necessary, and what is not.

You have a magical air on February 29 as Mercury connects with Jupiter. This can be a day when you’re tapping into your X factor, and giving the crowd what they want.

Good luck, Gemini, and see you in March!