Salby and the Bunny
December 1, 2013Tweet In the latest rendition of Salby Tunes Eli wandered over to the Scottish Sceptic’s summary of Murry Salby’s talk in Edinburgh. The Scep did a reasonable job of summarizing the talk, which appears of a piece with Salby’s Hamburg seminar . That was well shredded by the Weasel in penance for his sins. Still, there does appear to be something new, Salby is now claiming that the increase in CO 2 mixing ratio is due to thermal decomposition of soils. Eli was feeling obscure at the time so the Bunny inquired Now Eli is but an ‘umble Rabett, innocent as the bunnies of the field, a little bunny foo foo as it were, (fair warning) and it occurs to him that there is a significant indicator of CO2 emission by combustion and not warming, contained in the Keeling curve but not much remarked upon and certainly not mentioned by the Good Dr.
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Salby and the Bunny