EU Blinks Already? Staged Vote? Cyprus Finance Minister Proposes Deal with Russia; Will That Fly?

EU Blinks Already? Staged Vote? Cyprus Finance Minister Proposes Deal with Russia; Will That Fly?

March 20, 2013 0 By News Desk
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Staged Vote? In spite of the 1-Not Present, 36-No, 19-abstentions vote in the Cypriot parliament, one really has to wonder if this was a staged vote to show solidarity with Cypriot citizens, with some sort of face-saving deal already approved for tomorrow (in which the Cypriot parliament votes yes by a slim majority in return for minor concessions from the ECB and Germany). In short, it is unclear if we really know what is happening in the Cypriot parliament.

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EU Blinks Already? Staged Vote? Cyprus Finance Minister Proposes Deal with Russia; Will That Fly?