December 16, 2012
Is Boehner Capitulating on Tax Hike Boost? Blame Game Posturing
By News DeskHouse speaker John Boehner made an incremental move in Obama’s direction in regards to tax hikes.
Hard hitting global and local news
Originally posted here: Russia Ousts Meddling US NGOs, Fake Protests Peter Out
Anonymous said… Well color me stoopid, that is why they call me "Hey Stoopid".This is not the first, nor will it be the last of the tragedies of mass killing events, given the unfortunate nickname "Going Postal"!Sadly, in the real world, the only man who needs a gun, is the brain less brain dead mononeuron end user!This is yet another tragic "Going Postal" event, since the first of the many reported since a crazed insane lunatic called Andrew Kehoe, deliberately bombed an occupied school, way back in 1927, killing many innocent children. His farm property was foreclosed due to his deliberate failure, from a variety of circumstances and self choice, to evade payment of his county school tax assessment.Hmmm, way back in the wake of the Columbine High School massacre, Marilyn Manson, made a very basic statement of reality
Saturday, December 15, 2012 Posted by EliRabett Rabett Run Subscribe Rabett Run Posts Posts Comments Comments Contributors Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid.
Courtesy of the Weekly Standard , please check out the following union thuggery: Pro-Union Activist Threatens the Michigan Governor: ‘We’ll Be at Your Daughter’s Soccer Game’ A speaker at a protest against Michigan’s right-to-work legislation said that Republican governor Rick Snyder will “get no rest” from pro-union activists if Snyder signs the bill into law.”Just know one thing, Rick Snyder: You sign that bill, you won’t get no rest,” said Rev. Charles Williams II at the Tuesday rally in Lansing, according to Michigan Capitol Confidential
NATO tells tales of recently launched “Scud missiles” to retroactively justify Patriot missile deployment months in the making. December 15, 2012 (LD) – In a recent bid to psychologically break Syria’s government and military leadership, producing long sought-after defections, US-led NATO has decided to place Patriot missile systems along the Turkish-Syrian border. The announcement was made as far back as November with NATO Source Alliance News Blog reporting: “Turkey plans to officially request NATO deploy a Patriot missile defense system in its territories as a security precaution against a potential large-scale military offensive from Syria as Syrian shelling on the border raises tensions.” As this threat’s credibility diminishes, NATO has retroactively justified their November decision with a new tale of “Scud missiles” landing “fairly close” to the Turkish border, according to Reuters . Within the same report, “Scud missiles” would be downgraded to “Scud-style ballistic missiles,” in what appears to be immediate backpedaling that casts doubt on the entire narrative
Friday, December 14, 2012 Posted by EliRabett Rabett Run Subscribe Rabett Run Posts Posts Comments Comments Contributors Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional.
For some time now the US NIH has had a Public Access Policy, requiring that any publication supported by them be readily available at no cost to the public. However, given that many of the highest visibility journals (that means you Nature and Science and Springer) have resisted open publication, the wish has been too often honored in abstentia . A recent (November 16, 2012) change in policy pour encourager les autres may tilt the field With this Notice, NIH informs grantees that in Spring, 2013, at the earliest, NIH will delay processing of non-competing continuation grant awards if publications arising from that award are not in compliance with the NIH public access policy. The award will not be processed until recipients have demonstrated compliance . This change will take effect in tandem with NIH requiring the use of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPRs) for all Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (SNAP) and Fellowship awards in the Spring of 2013 (see NIH NOT-OD-12-142 ). There will be a few exceptions Submitting an RPPR with a non-compliant publication will generate an automated email notifying the grantee that the progress report includes citations that are out of compliance with the public access policy and requesting a response by a specified due date two weeks prior to the next budget start date. As indicated above, no sooner than Spring, 2013, the non-competing continuation award will be delayed until a reply to the e-notification is received from the grantee with evidence of compliance or a satisfactory explanation (e.g., the sole author has passed away before they were able to process the manuscript for posting to PubMed Central).