Tag: wedding

September 9, 2015 0

Well it’s one solution: go marry a climate denialist

By News Desk

Tweet Interesting article from a man married to an anti-vaxxer . It reminds me a little about studies showing that a prejudiced people need intense contact with the members of the group they’re biased against before eliminating their prejudice; casual contact can be counterproductive. In the case of the article, overcoming bias was a two-way street, with the author having to abandon his (lazy) belief that anti-vaxxers were just uninformed and stupid.

April 16, 2014 0

Frontiers – The Amway Analogy

By News Desk

Tweet Amway is an American institution, one of the first and most profitable of the multi-level marketing schemes, where what is really being sold is participation in the scheme not so much the products and the focus is on motivation, but not only motivation to sell, motivation to recruit new sales people, and the payoff is a cut of what the new sales people sell as they order through you.  It is not illegal, but MLM exploits the newbies at the bottom who have to buy their stock and are not always able to sell it as explained at the Skeptic’s Dictionary An Amway customer is not just buying a detergent, but is recruited into being a minister of a faith with a complicated bookkeeping scheme.

November 18, 2013 0

"Gold is an Asset the Girl Carries"

By News Desk

Please consider Gold-Laden Brides in India Defying Singh as Culture Wins by Bloomberg writer Swansy Afonso. As the sound of traditional drums, trumpets and cymbals ushers Amrita Mannil into the wedding hall, she’s adorned by four finely crafted necklaces, rings, 16 bangles, a glistening belt, dangling chandelier earrings and a stone-encrusted head piece to match the silk borders of her dress. She’s wearing about 800 grams (1.8 pounds) of gold