Tag: united-states

July 27, 2012 0

US Treasury: Al Qaeda Runs Syrian "Rebellion"

By News Desk

Friday, July 27, 2012 US Treasury: Al Qaeda Runs Syrian "Rebellion" US fails to sell militants in Syria as "freedom fighters," tells truth for pretext to liquidate monsters of their own creation.  by Tony Cartalucci  July 27, 2012 – The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in its article, " Al Qaeda’s War for Syria ," cited officials from the US Treasury Department stating, "Al Qaeda in Syria (often operating as the "Al Nusra Front for the People of the Levant") is using traffickers—some ideologically aligned, some motivated by money—to secure routes through Turkey and Iraq for foreign fighters, most of whom are from the Middle East and North Africa. A growing number of donors from the Persian Gulf and Levant appear to be sending financial support." Photo : The "Free Syrian Army ," whose composition consists of not only Syrian sectarian extremists, but Libyan terrorists from the US State Department listed "Libyan Islamic Fighting Group" led by Abdul Hakim Belhaj , is the manifestation of years of US, Saudi, and Israeli aid since at least 2007. …

July 24, 2012 0

In Syria, Obama Fights Bush’s Wars

By News Desk

In Syria, Obama Fights Bush’s Wars Syrian Opposition Signs Pro-War Neo-Con Letter to Obama.  by Tony Cartalucci  July 24, 2012 – Neo-Conservatives have "called on" US President Barack Obama to assist in the establishment of "safe zones" inside of Syria in a recent letter published by the "Foreign Policy Initiative" (FPI) and the "Foundation for the Defense of Democracies" (FDD). Both faux-institutions are corporate, foundation, and government funded clearinghouses, extensions of larger think-tanks like the American Enterprise Institute, for corporate-financier driven agendas, more specifically, wars. They serve the sole purpose of manufacturing consensus behind an agenda that has little or no support within the general public

July 23, 2012 0

Western Geopolitical Blitzkrieg in Sudan

By News Desk

July 23, 2012 (Images & captions added)  The protests that have broken out in Sudan are, on the surface, the manifestation of legitimate grievances.  Portrayed in the Western media as a direct response to austerity measures implemented by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir , these protests indicate a strong current of dissatisfaction among the people of the country.  However, seen from a broader, more critical perspective, the demonstrations are the tangible fruits of a carefully constructed destabilization campaign incorporating opposition political parties, civil society groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Hollywood celebrities and Western financiers.  These powerful forces have aligned against the government in Khartoum in order to execute the geopolitical agenda of the imperialist ruling class in the West. The Development of the Protests The immediate impetus for the protests, which broke out in recent weeks in and around the capital of Khartoum, was the announcement of the removal of fuel subsidies.  This troubling development, coupled with other austerity measures such as the reduction of government jobs and the devaluation of the currency, were designed to mitigate the effects of soaring inflation in Sudan.  However, because of the integral role of fuel prices in the Sudanese economy, the move seemed to spark mass indignation.  In a country already dogged by high unemployment and rampant poverty, these difficult decisions inflamed already high tensions throughout the country.   Image : Areas in red are either being destabilized, already wrecked (Libya), while areas in blue include areas of American influence, or in Iraq’s case, recent occupation replaced with a covert presence

July 22, 2012 0

Death Penalty

By News Desk

Eli, as some have noted, is an ancient professor, an academic if you will.  He has followed the collapse of governance at Penn State with the interest of a bunny watching a disaster unveiled, and recently saw much back and forth about the NCAA (the folks who profit from and do the pompous on intercollegiate athletics in the US) imposing the death penalty on football at PSU. Folks, that ain’t the death penalty Penn State has to worry about.  Accreditation at US institutions of higher learning runs through cooperative associations of colleges and universities, who certify to the US Department of Education.  That ain’t whiffle ball because all federal funding, student loans, research grants and more depend on that certification