May 14, 2013
Social Mood Darkens in Europe, Especially France, as Eurozone Economy in Freefall
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Hard hitting global and local news
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Read More: Read Between the Lines: IMF Admits Spain is Bankrupt; Get Your Money Out While You Can
Read More: Germany France Feud Erupts Again; German Central Bank Head Blasts France
Nikkei up another 3% as Yen Breaks .99; Japanese Bonds Halted; Be Careful of What You Ask Posted by Michael Shedlock at 1:07 AM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy. The ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions of sponsors or firms affiliated with the author(s)
Please consider the inane "Action Plan" for Eurozone Straggler Slovenia . The new government of struggling eurozone member Slovenia is expected to announce Thursday an action plan aimed at avoiding a bailout, reportedly including privatisations, "crisis" taxes and austerity cuts. Moody’s last week cut its rating on Slovenia two notches to "junk", the economy has been in recession since 2011, unemployment stands at 13.5 percent and voters are fed up with their political leaders
See the original article here: ECB Ponders Buying Toxic Debt of the Periphery; Don’t Worry, It Will Be "Fiscally Neutral"…
Originally posted here: Self-Serving Recommendation of the Day: Visa Asks Spain to Lower Limit on Cash Transactions
Here are a pair of interesting You-Tube videos on fractional reserve lending sent by reader Magnus who lives in Sweden. Godfrey Bloom Blasts Fractional Reserve Lending as Fraud “The problem that we have is a flawed banking system, a fractional reserve banking system where bankers can lend money they don’t have. If you go back in time in the United States to the 1850s, that was a capital offense
See original article: Nigel Farage Jubilant After UKIP Soars in Local Elections; Cameron’s Impossible Carrot
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