Tag: social-media

August 5, 2013 0

Bernanke Wants 2% Inflation in a Deflationary World; Who Pays the Price?

By News Desk

PEW Social Trends research shows a Record 21.6 Million Young Adults Live in Their Parents’ Home Here are some clips from the fascinating PEW study. In 2012, 36% of the nation’s young adults ages 18 to 31 the so-called Millennial generation—were living in their parents’ home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S

August 3, 2013 0

IMF "Baseline Scenario" Projects Spain Unemployment Will Remain Above 25% for 5 Years with Little Growth

By News Desk

I am normally critical of IMF forecasts, but their baseline unemployment projection for Spain of 25% or more with no more than .6% annual growth through 2017 seems reasonable. The pessimistic scenario is a toxic deleveraging downward spiral that continues right now. The optimistic scenario assumes 2% growth, but that scenario does not start until 2018, and only if labor reforms in Spain and Europe take place

July 31, 2013 0

About that "Beat the Street" GDP Number

By News Desk

My friend "BC" says How convenient, otherwise real GDP would have printed at 0.8%, prices constant.  Yet, the yoy rate of real final sales per capita is below 1% for the second quarter in a row, whereas the second quarter annualized rate is near contracting. Had the deflator been reported at the rate in Q1, the yoy and 2-qtr. annualized real final sales per capita rates would have been reported as contracting