February 5, 2014
Brazil, Russia Cancel Debt Auctions; Head-in-Sand Move Won’t Work
By News DeskView post: Brazil, Russia Cancel Debt Auctions; Head-in-Sand Move Won’t Work
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View post: Brazil, Russia Cancel Debt Auctions; Head-in-Sand Move Won’t Work
Taken from a Barron’s roundtable discussion, ZeroHedge reports Marc Faber Warns "Insiders Are Selling Like Crazy… Short US Stocks, Buy Treasuries Gold"
Is Portugal about ready to implode?
ISM Report Snips PMI Manufacturing expanded in January as the PMI® registered 51.3 percent, a decrease of 5.2 percentage points when compared to December’s seasonally adjusted reading of 56.5 percent. A reading above 50 percent indicates that the manufacturing economy is generally expanding; below 50 percent indicates that it is generally contracting.
Read the article: Loan Rates in Argentina Reach 65% Annually; Is 65% a Good Rate?
Why are Taxpayers Subsidizing Big Mac Buyers? A friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous claims the following: Walmart employees (as a group) are often the biggest recipients of federal and state aid within each state. McDonalds employees are up there as well
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Visit link: Real Life Obamacare Small Business, Benefit-Shifting Example
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