Hard hitting global and local news
Read the original post: Warming up to the Warming World MOOC
Tweet That’s the GISS 5-year average . It may look somewhat stuck, although it’s important to remember that the now-measly-looking 2002 5-year average was at the time, the highest in the instrumental record. The 1998 5-year average was 0.44 C above the 1951-1980 mean
Originally posted here: Is the message getting through
Tweet As Michael Mann and Michael Mann’s lawyers may have prayed, both Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn, especially Mark Steyn have proved themselves exemplary defendants, well if you want to talk about those seeking to shoot themselves in the foot head. Eli has already gone on a bit about Simberg and his ill advised 60 comment hate on Judge Greene, now the good Mother Jones , speaking through Mariah Blake, has a word on defendant Steyn.
Continue Reading: Senator Whitehouse on the Response of Industry to Climate Change
Tweet From a comment of mine at Same Facts  about coastal properties and sea level rise: One other option for climate denialist landowners – sell 99-year options to obtain ownership of their land for token value should it become uninhabitable.