Tag: poverty

February 14, 2014 0

MEPs Accuse Troika of Aggravating Unemployment and Poverty in Rescued Countries

By News Desk

Via translation from El Pais, Members of European Parliament Accuse Troika of Aggravating Unemployment and Poverty in Rescued Countries "They could have acted as surgeons, cutting superfluous. Instead they acted like butchers with an ax," says MEP Alejandro Cercas in reference to the policies that the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), the troika, that have been implemented in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus, the four Eurozone countries that were forced to request a bailout. The report before the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament adopted on Thursday morning does not use such harsh words, but blames the three agencies-known as the troika for  policies that have contributed to the deterioration of the welfare levels in the four countries

February 3, 2014 0

Why are Taxpayers Subsidizing Big Mac Buyers?

By News Desk

Why are Taxpayers Subsidizing Big Mac Buyers? A friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous claims the following: Walmart employees (as a group) are often the biggest recipients of federal and state aid within each state. McDonalds employees are up there as well