Tag: other-lands

November 3, 2015 0

Climate denialism harms speculative science

By News Desk

Tweet I want to follow up on Eli’s comment below that "There is a place between blogs, arXiv and Science for really speculative papers, but the authors need to strongly defend themselves." Yes, and Hansen’s paper is properly occupying that place, assuming it can stay defended. But then, think about a speculative paper that went for the mirror-opposite side of the spectrum, saying "what if we’ve been wrong about everything about climate change and here’s a negative feedback mechanism previously undiscovered that will safely limit things." Let’s further assume this turns out not to be a Galileus paper but a Bozo paper , as seems likely. The normal consequences of publishing something that’s wrong is bent, by denialism

October 29, 2015 0

Need to Know

By News Desk

Tweet Science is understanding data, not data. Science requires data, and it requires models to understand the data. The best models will be based on well established principles of physics, chemistry and biology.