One Hell of a Round Trip: Chinese Stocks Crash 8.45%, Give Up 60% Gains This Year
Please consider the Vox article China’s Latest Stock Market Crash, Explained .
Hard hitting global and local news
Please consider the Vox article China’s Latest Stock Market Crash, Explained .
Don’t Worry, IMF Says "Premature" to Speak of Chinese Crisis Growth in China is slowing rapidly. How rapidly is a subject of much debate. Today, a senior IMF official says ‘Premature’ to Speak of Chinese Crisis .
CME FedWatch 2015-08-20 Rate Hike Odds The CME concludes there is a 23.57% chance of a hike. This is bad math because the CME ignores ranges. If the Fed comes flat out and sets a target rate of precisely 0.25% that is a hike from here
Instead, and as widely expected, Alexis Tsipras to ‘Step Down and Call Snap Elections’ . The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has decided to step down and call snap elections for 20 September, government officials said
With that hike, Chicago Now has America’s Highest Sales Tax . Chicago has long had a steep sales tax, but a vote by Cook County commissioners Wednesday night made the city’s rate the highest of any major city in the nation
Read the article: Survival of the Fittest Robot: A Mother Robot and the Evolution of Her Offspring
See the original post: Huge Shipping Delays for Toyota, Deere, Walmart, etc. in Wake of Tianjin Warehouse Explosion
Mish with Max Keiser in Chicago, Discussing Chicago Economics and Pizza A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, downtown Chicago. On the lakefront, in a very informal chat, we discussed the sorry state of affairs regarding Chicago finances and education
Blowout in Some Corporate Bond Spreads; Bond Funds Post 3rd Week of Outflows Posted by Michael Shedlock at 2:01 AM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy