Tag: kids

December 13, 2013 0

"Dirty Jobs" Mike Rowe on the High Cost of College; Get Ready to Get Dirty; What’s Wrong With the College Model?

By News Desk

Mike Rowe, host of the Discovery Channel series Dirty Jobs chimes in on the US education system in an interview with Nick Gillespie on Reason.Com . click on above link if video does not play Rowe : If we are lending money that ostensibly we don’t have to kids who have no hope of making it back in order to train them for jobs that clearly don’t exist, I might suggest that we’ve gone around the bend a little bit. Gillespie : We are doing everything we can to push every kid to go to a four-year college.

October 24, 2013 0

Sympathy for those lost in the shuffle

By News Desk

Tweet Interesting editorial in the Mercury News over the "resource reshuffling" issue and California’s effort to control climate change. And attention, carbon tax fans, you’re not safe from this issue either

November 12, 2012 0

A Post Election Rant

By News Desk

A Post Election Rant Now some, not Eli to be sure, might think it is time to call out all those in the US who were predicting a post-election Gotterdammerung for anyone slightly to the left of Dick Cheney (and to be quite clear, Eli is not sure that Dick would be safe either, given his backing for same sex bunnies he is related to), but actually that is not the problem.  Rachel Maddow who is about as left as you can get in the US and be on TV nails it, rational people are exasperated to the point of wanting to mole whack any Republican in sight for what they have done to our political choices in the US This pretty much captures Eli’s exasperation, and Tamino’s and the Real Climate crews’.