Tag: iran

July 15, 2015 0

US NED Ignores Saudi Barbarism

By News Desk

The International Business Tribune would report in its article, " Execution Central: Saudi Arabia’s Bloody Chop-Chop Square ," that:  In the capital Riyadh, public executions take place in the central Deera square, usually at 9am. The wide ochre square has been grimly dubbed "chop chop square" has seen dozens of condemned men and women put to death in recent years. "When they [death row prisoners] get to the execution square, their strength drains away.

July 11, 2015 0

Paris Ramadan Stunt: A Comedian, a Propagandist, and the Social Engineers

By News Desk

Leading the charge was career Neo-Conservative propagandist Robert Spencer , long-ago exposed at the center of other manufactured stunts including the "Ground Zero Mosque " and more recently, a shooting in Texas during a "Mohamed Drawing Contest." Regarding Hasnaoui’s tasteless joke, Spencer’s website, "Jihad Watch," shamelessly posted a headline reading, " Paris: Muslim overturns restaurant tables, shouts “People can’t eat, it’s Ramadan!†," before concluding: It’s simple: in Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities.

June 26, 2015 0

US To Begin Invasion of Syria

By News Desk

US To Begin Invasion of Syria US policymakers sign and date paper calling for the division, destruction, and US occupation of Syria.  June 26, 2015 ( Tony Cartalucci – NEO ) – Unbeknownst to the general public, their elected politicians do not create the policy that binds their national destiny domestically or within the arena of geopolitics. Instead, corporate-financier funded think tanks do – teams of unelected policymakers which transcend elections, and which produce papers that then become the foundation of legislation rubber stamped by "legislators," as well as the enumerated talking points repeated ad naseum by the corporate-media. Such a policy paper has been recently written by the notorious US policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution, titled, " Deconstructing Syria: Towards a regionalized strategy for a confederal country ." The signed and dated open-conspiracy to divide, destroy, then incrementally occupy a sovereign nation thousands of miles from America’s shores serves as a sobering example of how dangerous and enduring modern imperialism is, even in the 21st century