Tag: huffington-post

May 23, 2014 0

Amazon to Increase Robots from 1,400 to 10,000 by End of 2014; Day in the Life of a Robot

By News Desk

Please consider Bezos expects 10,000 robots at Amazon warehouses by 2015 Amazon.com plans to aggressively expand its use of robots at it warehouses in 2014, rolling out 10,000 of them by the end of 2014. Chief Executive Jeff Bezos told investors at Amazon’s annual shareholders meeting Wednesday that the company has about 1,000 robots picking products today. The robots are made by Kiva Systems, a company Amazon purchased two years ago for $775 million in a bid to further automate its warehouses

May 16, 2014 0

People in EU Aged 25-34 Who Still Live With Their Parents; Highest Paid Public Employees by State; Many Other Interesting Maps

By News Desk

People in EU Aged 25-34 Who Still Live With Their Parents; Highest Paid Public Employees by State; Many Other Interesting Maps Posted by Michael Shedlock at 5:17 PM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy