Tag: huffington-post

August 6, 2013 0

Army Will Not Suspend Contracts with Al Qaeda-Tied Companies, Citing "Due Process Rights"

By News Desk

The above link is from the Fox News story Army won’t suspend contracts with Al Qaeda-tied companies, citing ‘due process rights’ In a scathing passage of his latest report to Congress, Special Inspector General John Sopko said his office has urged the Army to suspend or debar 43 contractors over concerns about ties to the Afghanistan insurgency, "including supporters of the Taliban, the Haqqani network and al Qaeda." Sopko wrote that the Army "rejected" every single case. Sopko pointed out the apparent disconnect between one part of the Army that is killing insurgents and the other part that allegedly is doing business with them

August 2, 2013 0

NSA tool collects "Nearly Everything You Do On the Internet"; Targeting Journalists; What Google Knows About You; Warrantless Cellphone…

By News Desk

• XKeyscore gives ‘widest-reaching’ collection of online data• NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches• Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals, according to documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet. XKeyscore, the documents boast, is the NSA’s "widest reaching" system developing intelligence from computer networks – what the agency calls Digital Network Intelligence (DNI).