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Please see Target2 and the ELA (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) program; Reader From Europe Asks "Can You Please Explain Target2?" for a more compete description. There is much misinformation floating around on how Target 2 works, what Germany’s liabilities are, so please click on the above link if you are interested in target 2 balances. The following chart from PIMCO article TARGET2: A Channel for Europe’s Capital Flight shows the capital flight through March
What Role Does Government Play in Price Inflation?
Charlie Skelton of The Guardian Exposes the NATO Networks Spreading Big Lies Against Syria. Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D
This is what I stated, adding the words [banks thought]. The email from reader David follows this recap. Five Reasons Banks Extended Credit in Housing Bubble Years [Banks thought] People would pay mortgage loans because they always did [Banks thought] Housing prices would rise sufficiently to cover defaults [Banks thought] Mortgage interest rates to subprime borrowers were high enough to cover risk [Banks thought] Defaults would happen over a long period of time, not quickly concentrated Banks could pass the trash to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (without clawbacks for non-performance), and/or loans could be sliced and diced in tranches to investors If any of those conditions were true, then banks were indeed making loans to “credit-worthy” borrowers
Sunday, July 15, 2012 Hillary Clinton Must Resign (Op-ed) Cites false reports regarding Syria "massacre" to call for UN Chapter 7.
See the original article here: BOMBSHELL: Defected Syrian Ambassador Admits Role in Killing US Troops
July 13, 2012 The Russian Duma has just passed amendments to the Russian NGO law. Russian NGOs receiving foreign funding will now have to register at the Ministry of Justice as an “NGO carrying out functions as a foreign agent†, make public their sources of funding by marking it on the materials they distribute, and report semi-annually to the Ministry of Justice on their activities. This law, a great majority of Russians believe, is long overdue.
Eli, of course, slums. Among other places he likes to discover the Curry worst, but occasionally gold appears amidst the dross which needs to be washed in the cool waters of Rabett Run (simile abuse for fun and little prophet). A defining characteristic of the Pielkesphere (TM ER) is a complete lack of self awareness or awareness of anything beyond the third grade level, which lead Judy to ask “So, how do you think Machiavelli would advise the Prince on dealing with climate change?” Robert, teaches It is a sad reality that those that devote a considerable part of their lives to textual analysis are sometimes not very good at it, and that seems to be the case here. Machiavelli did not recommend submission to the whims of Fortune.