Tag: global-warming

September 21, 2012 0

Willard Tony and Dr. Who

By News Desk

Willard Tony and Dr. Who Now some, not Eli of course, have had their fun with Willard Tony, but Eli has always been serious and respectful (oh yeah, well this one was early days).  OTOH there are, to be sure, problems with his approach, his papers and his all around understanding of what he is doing, many of which surfaced with what Roger Pielke the Elder called the major game changing paper in the history of the world, and Nigel Steve called crap Over at the Weasel’s , Evan Jones is proclaiming that all is well and fixed.  Well, young Eli asks, what do you find, and Evan says The City September 2, 7:52 am  4.) We find that Tmean trend for compliant (i.e., Class 12 stations using Leroy 2010 proximity ratings) stations is fully 0.11C lower than that of poorly sited stations (Class 345). This includes consideration for both TOBS and MMTS

September 9, 2012 0

Eli Was Once Young

By News Desk

Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional. His colleagues are smart, but they have a curious inability to see the holes that they dig for themselves

September 9, 2012 0

Romney, Obama fiddle while the planet burns

By News Desk

Romney, Obama fiddle while the planet burns The Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) posted a depressing piece on Friday Sept. 7, about Obama and Romney. While the airwaves are full of advertisements about the differences between them, they have one thing in common: Both are "playing games with environmental disaster." Daphne Wysham, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, says that Obama," — like his Republican opponent — seems to place a higher value on achieving ‘energy independence’ via expanded oil and gas drilling than on action on climate change

September 8, 2012 0

Denialists denied by judge in New Zealand lawsuit

By News Desk

Denialists denied by judge in New Zealand lawsuit Via John Mashey, there’s a blog post by Gareth on yet another attempt by climate denialists to muddy the record on climate change, this time by suing New Zealand’s National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research for publishing a temperature record that shows New Zealand warming up over the last century.

September 7, 2012 0

Meta Lewandowsky

By News Desk

Yes, of course. That wasn’t a left/right thing.For what it’s worth:1) NUCLEAR: (science) some people think there is zero danger from radiation (including a particular board member of Sandia) while others cringe from the very word radiation, without knowing much about different forms, background levels, radon in homes, polonium in cigarettes, x-rays, etc