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See original article: Ethon Meets the Hound of the Pielkes
Tweet Via Tamino , I learned of a not particularly large, $250 bet with Scott Stupak over whether there will be statistically significant warming in 25 years starting in 1997 (details posted at Roy Spencer’s blog ). This is an update to a bet offer that Michaels’ newsletter made in 1998 for a 10 year period. James Annan learned of that offer in 2005 and tried to accept, but the new editor Chip Knappenberger pulled a Lindzen  (defined here ) and declined to keep that bet.
Read More: The one weird trick missing from coverage of carbon emission rules for new power plants
Tweet Who Eli? Â Well yes, he has such a device, but really what this is about is a contest that Science Magazine ran for young scientists If you could go back in time and share one piece of scientific knowledge from today, what time period whould you choose, what would you share and how might that information change the course of history