Tag: georgia

August 6, 2013 0

Revised AGU Statement on Climate Change

By News Desk

The AGU has issued its revised statement on climate change , approved by the fifteen member committee chaired by Gerald North with one (predictable) dissent.  Human induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years.

July 29, 2013 0

Variability Makes Stuff Tuff

By News Desk

Tweet Steinacher, Joos and Stocker write in Nature about how " Allowable Carbon Emissions Lowered by Multiple Climate Targets ", that hitting a single target, for example 2 C requires a lot less effort than limiting harm from multiple limits.  Essentially the same tautology as given natural variability on top of a rising base, then the hotter extremes are going to get hotter and you don’t need a degree in meteorology or statistics to figure that out.  The authors selected a number of global metrics, mean sea level rise, steric sea level rise, Aragonite undersaturation in the Southern Ocean, global loss of aragonite saturated waters, cropland loss and soil carbon loss.  Meeting the multi-target 1 is very unlikely (<10 360="" eff="" exceed="" if="" u="">+ 40 GtC mean and maximum-minimum range from RFNC scenario uncertainty), although it becomes likely to meet the 1.5 C target (which is a part of set 1) at this range of emissions (Fig.

July 2, 2013 0

R Street Part 2

By News Desk

Tweet For several centuries, Eli has been pointing out that he and Barry Bickmore agree on the coming threats from human driven climate change, but probably disagree on how to deal with it.  Bunnies might call this the WG1/WG3 dichotomy.  Mark Boslough , well he and Eli could probably agree that they disagree of WG3, but in both those cases, working from the same physical reality there is at least some possibility that something could be done in the end. Eli would say the same thing in the other direction about folk like Tenny Naumer or even Joe Romm, in the later case Eli is somewhat intermediate with Barry Brook on the other side, since nuclear and renewables complement each other.