Tag: georgia

February 1, 2014 0

Five-year average temps and a betting update

By News Desk

Tweet That’s the GISS 5-year average . It may look somewhat stuck, although it’s important to remember that the now-measly-looking 2002 5-year average was at the time, the highest in the instrumental record. The 1998 5-year average was 0.44 C above the 1951-1980 mean

January 29, 2014 0

I’m kind of a big deal, in Australia

By News Desk

Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional. His colleagues are smart, but they have a curious inability to see the holes that they dig for themselves.

January 27, 2014 0

Gauntlet Tossing

By News Desk

Eli Prof. Curry, perhaps you would be kind enough to reconcile the claim in your written testimony that increasing Antarctic sea ice extent as reported in the AR5 WGI report weakens the case for attributing most of the warming to human influences can be reconciled with your 2010 PNAS paper, Accelerated warming of the Southern Ocean and its impacts on the hydrological cycle and sea ice the abstract of which reads: The observed sea surface temperature in the Southern Ocean shows a substantial warming trend for the second half of the 20th century. Associated with the warming, there has been an enhanced atmospheric hydrological cycle in the Southern Ocean that results in an increase of the Antarctic sea ice for the past three decades through the reduced upward ocean heat transport and increased snowfall

January 21, 2014 0

Did anyone else pick up this Pielke prediction?

By News Desk

From November 11, 2011, RPJr says : The Obama Administration has put off a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline until immediately after the 2012 election. At that point a newly elected Republican president will be able to quickly approve it or President Obama can do the same without concern for an upcoming election. Responding to enviro claims that rejecting the original Keystone application was a victory, RPJr continues: Let’s return to this February, 2013 and see if "victory" still smells as sweet — when plans re-emerge for crude oil flowing south, regardless of who wins the election.

January 20, 2014 0

Curry vs. Curry

By News Desk

In Prof. Judith Curry’s testimony she claimed that However, several key elements of the AR5 WGI report point to a weakening of the case for attributing most of the warming to human influences, relative to the previous assessment Lack of warming since 1998 and the growing discrepancies between observations and climate model projections Evidence of decreased climate sensitivity to increases in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations Evidence that sea level rise during 1920 – 1950 is of the same magnitude as in 1993 -2012 Increasing Ant arctic sea ice extent Permit the Rabett to start at the bottom.  Eli and the Weasel previously noted Prof. Curry really does not believe that increasing Antarctic sea ice extent casts any doubt of the AR5’s conclusions because she knows why the sea ice in Antarctica has been increasing (or perhaps not increasing as much, that may be another interesting tale of whom do you believe, theory or observation, as a recent preprint casts doubt on the magnitude).  In a 2010 PNAS paper, Accelerated warming of the Southern Ocean and its impacts on the hydrological cycle and sea ice Prof