Tag: georgia

June 10, 2014 0

Bleg: foreigners, especially Indians or Chinese, arguing their countries should do nothing on climate because of American emissions

By News Desk

Tweet Bit of an experiment. I’m interested in internal climate policy debates in other countries where someone prominent takes the same position the Republican leadership is taking today, that we should do nothing because foreign bogeyman is worse, except that the bogeyman is the US. It’s Indians and Chinese that the Republicans usually identify as the bogeymen, so they’d be the ideal examples

June 8, 2014 0

A Paper Named Sue

By News Desk

Female hurricanes are deadlier than male hurricanes PNAS 2014 : 1402786111v1-201402786. Eli’s POV is that this was pitched to the freakonomics crowd masquerading as journalists who were happy to roll with it.  There are, as they say, issues, and Eli will simply outsource those to Jeremy Freese , Andrew   Gelman , Harold Brooks and Bob   O’Hara . Bottom line, as Brooks points out is that these clowns are building a model for a fictitious, but churn baiting effect.  Why churn

June 4, 2014 0

In the Spirit of Deep Climate

By News Desk

Tweet In the spirit of Deep Climate , Anonymous, as he wrote to Eli , has penned an analysis of how Richard Tol cooked and indeed, it is McIntyre class, although from the nature of the mistake, it may very well have been hubris and not malice.  Dickie’s misbegotten analysis starts from Cook et al’s description of their procedure, and just to show that Eli is an honest card shark, why not start with Tol’s description first of what he did, and then of what Cook et al did.  At the end of this it should become clear that, well, Eli will leave that to the bunnies.  From Tol’s blog According to Cook et al. , each abstract was assessed by at least 2 and at most 3 raters

May 29, 2014 0

Eli Reads Again

By News Desk

Some links for the bunnies Magnus Westerstrand discusses the hidden Bengtsson and his media gambit. I am sad to have witnessed the changes in Lennart Bengtsson’s media presence over the last few years. At first it was just a few comments in local media such as this article in UNT 2009 stating among other things that a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would only result in a temperature increase of about 1 o C as a result of the logarithmic forcing of CO 2 .  This is misleading, of course, because it ignores feedbacks which increase that number substantially.

May 29, 2014 0

Globul Warmins Not a Scam, It’s Social Signaling!

By News Desk

Dano has a question for the late Lee Atwater ———————————— Recent breathless articles about the consensus being false (remember back in the day when they spelled it ‘concencus’?), arrogant certainty about models being unable to tell us the climate in 2035, endless parroting the received wisdom of “no warming for 17 years (or 15, or 18…)…sigh…bunnies have heard these recycled talking points a billlll-yunnnnnn times, right? Well, we’re going to hear them a lot more often in the run-up to the American mid-term elections