Weapons that don’t work for long would be worth a lot
Read the article: Weapons that don’t work for long would be worth a lot
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Read the article: Weapons that don’t work for long would be worth a lot
Tweet Obama will lay out his climate initiative Tuesday afternoon at my Hoya alma mater (the secret passage rumors there are true, btw, I found one myself in the main auditorium that he might use). Lots of speculation on what will be in it. You’ve got mine from February and May: Â no shutdown of Keystone, but something else substantial , with fingers crossed it’s the NRDC proposal to regulate existing coal power plants.
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Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional. His colleagues are smart, but they have a curious inability to see the holes that they dig for themselves
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Original post: I hope this won’t be a useful information resource for very long