Is the message getting through
Originally posted here: Is the message getting through
Hard hitting global and local news
Originally posted here: Is the message getting through
and then TonyLearns shows the other side now But Mosher says Tamino is a(an almost) complete incompetent. Isn’t that a devastating rebuttal? Then I read Judith post of Tamino and arctic temps.
Eli Prof. Curry, perhaps you would be kind enough to reconcile the claim in your written testimony that increasing Antarctic sea ice extent as reported in the AR5 WGI report weakens the case for attributing most of the warming to human influences can be reconciled with your 2010 PNAS paper, Accelerated warming of the Southern Ocean and its impacts on the hydrological cycle and sea ice the abstract of which reads: The observed sea surface temperature in the Southern Ocean shows a substantial warming trend for the second half of the 20th century. Associated with the warming, there has been an enhanced atmospheric hydrological cycle in the Southern Ocean that results in an increase of the Antarctic sea ice for the past three decades through the reduced upward ocean heat transport and increased snowfall
Tweet As Michael Mann and Michael Mann’s lawyers may have prayed, both Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn, especially Mark Steyn have proved themselves exemplary defendants, well if you want to talk about those seeking to shoot themselves in the foot head. Eli has already gone on a bit about Simberg and his ill advised 60 comment hate on Judge Greene, now the good Mother Jones , speaking through Mariah Blake, has a word on defendant Steyn.
Tweet (Could’ve sworn I blogged in the past that the Obama Admin had gone too far on the government surveillance, but can’t find it. Oh well.