Tag: economy

January 5, 2015 0

Red Pill, Blue Pill, Cognitive Dissonance, Pavlov’s Dogs

By News Desk

Red Pill, Blue Pill, Cognitive Dissonance, Pavlov’s Dogs I received an email a few weeks ago stating "Hussman has been so wrong I should stop quoting him." Nonetheless here I go again, because I think Hussman has something important to say. Please consider a few admittedly lengthy snips from his post today Pills for Cognitive Dissonance in a Speculative Bubble

December 14, 2014 0

Shoving the Overton Window Towards Reality

By News Desk

You can view the entire scene on YouTube Randy Malamud at the Huff Post says we really are in the end times, Dave Roberts at Grist more or less concern trolls the show, and Eli, Eli is with Ugo Bardi , at Cassandra’s Legacy who points out that So, we have always been careful to follow the instructions: avoid scaring people, avoid looking like scaremongers, avoid even hinting that things may be worse, much worse than anyone could imagine. We have been careful to end all warnings with a list of solutions; saying that, sure, it looks bad, but the problem will go away if you just insulate your home, buy a smaller car, and turn off the lights when you leave a room. What we need is just a little bit of good will.