August 27, 2013
Is Obama Another Bush Clone? Another Nixon Clone?
By News DeskView article: Is Obama Another Bush Clone? Another Nixon Clone?
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Original post: Proof positive that there is a God.
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Inquiring minds with extra time on their hands this morning are plodding through the Full Transcript of Bernanke’s Testimony To Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress looking for the usual collection of half-truths, distortions, and outright lies it usually contains. Here are some point-by-point statements by Bernanke with my comments immediately following each set of statements.
Accounting Today reported on October 6, 2011 McCain and Hagan Introduce Repatriation Tax Holiday Bill . Senators John McCain, R-Ariz., and Kay Hagan, D-N.C., introduced legislation Thursday allowing multinational corporations to repatriate their foreign earnings at a reduced tax rate.
Visit site: ICYMI*, Chait’s optimist take on Obama and climate
Tweet The European Parliament last week rejected a fix to their cap-and-trade system that would have set a bottom floor to the price of carbon, a floor that likely helped keep California’s system functioning through a tentative start to a better shape (so far).