Weapons that don’t work for long would be worth a lot
Read the article: Weapons that don’t work for long would be worth a lot
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Read the article: Weapons that don’t work for long would be worth a lot
Tweet Obama will lay out his climate initiative Tuesday afternoon at my Hoya alma mater (the secret passage rumors there are true, btw, I found one myself in the main auditorium that he might use). Lots of speculation on what will be in it. You’ve got mine from February and May: Â no shutdown of Keystone, but something else substantial , with fingers crossed it’s the NRDC proposal to regulate existing coal power plants.
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Original post: I hope this won’t be a useful information resource for very long
Continued here: Drop the Stick and Back Slowly Away From That Horse Carcass
First part of an occasional series Oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is a vital last step in combustion and the atmospheric degradation of just about any hydrocarbon. It is slow, taking about two months in the troposphere, but the lifetime is not really slow, like methane (5-10 years) or like forever in the troposphere like the chloroflorocarbons.