Tag: china

September 3, 2012 0

Most Economically Illiterate Journalist In History Proposes "Gold is Backed by Nothing, but US Dollar Backed by Federal Reserve"

By News Desk

Most Economically Illiterate Journalist In History Proposes "Gold is Backed by Nothing, but US Dollar Backed by Federal Reserve" Congratulations to Canadian journalist Bridget Brown, a CTV news field reporter for being the most economically illiterate TV journalist in history. Brown proposes gold is not backed by anything but the US Dollar is backed by the Federal Reserve which will be around a year from now

September 2, 2012 0

Who Do You Blame for the Woes of the Middle-Class?

By News Desk

The Pew Research center ponders The Lost Decade of the Middle Class . Since 2000, the middle class has shrunk in size, fallen backward in income and wealth, and shed some—but by no means all—of its characteristic faith in the future. These stark assessments are based on findings from a new nationally representative Pew Research Center survey that includes 1,287 adults who describe themselves as middle class, supplemented by the Center’s analysis of data from the U.S

September 1, 2012 0

Foreclosure Stats From You Walk Away

By News Desk

19 Says Maddux In Florida, 45% of our clients are in pre-foreclosure status. On average, these Florida homeowners are 17 months delinquent and have yet to receive even their first formal foreclosure notice.

August 30, 2012 0

France to Hire 150,000 Subsidized Workers With Zero Qualifications; Why Stop There?

By News Desk

Via Google Translate from El Economista, France will create 150,000 jobs for young people without qualifications The French Government has today adopted a draft law providing for the creation of 150,000 subsidized jobs for young people with little or no qualifications, which are most affected by unemployment and employability harder. The beneficiaries of these so called "jobs of tomorrow" will work for municipalities, hospitals, schools, social organizations, associations or, exceptionally, in private companies, and will receive a grant of up to 75% of their compensation.