October 22, 2012
Italy 2013 Countdown: Rescue Me
By News DeskRead More: Italy 2013 Countdown: Rescue Me
Hard hitting global and local news
Please consider Berlin and Paris Compromise on Bank Oversight . European leaders have reached agreement on the roadmap to a banking oversight regime in the euro zone. Following a public back-and-forth between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande, the 27 European Union heads of state and government on Thursday night found a compromise at their two-day summit in Brussels.
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Lebanon Bombing is Impetus for West’s Planned Sunni-Shi’ia War Repost: Saad Hariri Aides Western Syria Destabilization from Lebanon.
More: Sick of Romney & Obama? Breakout from Two-Party Captivity
View post: International Law Suffers Another Blow in Libya Conflict
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Please consider the New York Times article In China, a Power Struggle of a Different Order .