Tag: china

September 2, 2013 0

India in Serious Trouble (and Gold at the Heart of It)

By News Desk

India in Serious Trouble (and Gold at the Heart of It) Last week India’s trade minister, Anand Sharma, came out with a laughable suggestion: RBI should consider monetizing gold . India’s central bank should look into the possibility of monetizing gold holdings, trade minister Anand Sharma said on Thursday, in the latest proposal aimed at combating a yawning current account deficit that has hammered the rupee. It was not immediately clear whether Sharma was referring to the 557.7 tonnes of gold the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) holds in its own reserves, or gold in private hands

August 31, 2013 0

Berlusconi Threatens to Topple Italian Government if Expelled From Senate

By News Desk

Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, convicted of tax fraud, Threatens to Topple Letta If Expelled From Senate Silvio Berlusconi threatened to bring down the Italian government if Prime Minister Enrico Letta’s Democratic Party votes to expel the three-time former premier from the Senate.“We’re not available to keep the government going if the left decides to prevent the head of the People of Liberty from remaining in politics,†Berlusconi told a rally organized by the Army of Silvio supporters’ association late yesterday, according to a statement released by the group. Letta is struggling to contain tensions that have strained his coalition government since Italy’s top court upheld Berlusconi’s tax-fraud conviction on Aug

August 30, 2013 0

Freedom Fries are Out – French Fries and French Toast Back In

By News Desk

Today, the Financial Times warmongers and interventionists whined The Syria vote brings to an end decades of delusion This week’s events will have an impact. They will strengthen a rising US perception that Britain is an ally pulling back from the world. Mr Cameron’s decision to call a referendum on EU membership fits this picture

August 28, 2013 0

Currency Lessons: Think a Sinking Currency is Always Good For Manufacturers?

By News Desk

Here is a bit of reality: Currency collapse confounds India Inc Indian companies such as Whirlpool of India Ltd say they can’t plan more than a couple of months out as a fast-falling rupee currency drives up the cost of imports, forcing them to raise prices even as consumer spending crumbles. Companies that import finished goods or raw materials are the worst hit as they scramble to hold onto margins while balancing the need to raise prices without deterring buyers.

August 25, 2013 0

Diversion from Down Under

By News Desk

Diversion from Down Under Posted by Michael Shedlock at 9:01 PM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy.