Tag: chemistry

January 27, 2013 0

Sing It Tonight – Eli promises it will work

By News Desk

Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional. His colleagues are smart, but they have a curious inability to see the holes that they dig for themselves

January 26, 2013 0

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Throws Itself Into the Trash

By News Desk

The authors are to be commended for their willingness to engage in extensive publicdiscussion of their paper.  As ER has remarked , this paper is an archetypal of a class of nonsense which attracts axe grinders, obsessives and the willing to be confused Eli has learned over the years that all sorts of strange people write the same paper, very long, very hard to follow and very wrong. These papers and their defenders play the Gallileo card early and often