Hard hitting global and local news
Earth Hour: A Despicable Hoax “Earth Hour” special by Tony Cartalucci , Originally posted March 26, 2011 – Nothing embodies the corporate hijacked environmental movement more than the despicable hoax that is “Earth Hour.” Once a year, we are bombarded worldwide by a feel-good advertising campaign on TV, radio, billboards, fliers, in the newspaper and in every other conceivable way for an event that involves turning off the lights for one hour per year, to ” take a stand against climate change .” Image : What Al Gore doesn’t tell you: CO2 has been 1000’s of times higher during the Cretaceous period and sea levels have been so high North America featured an inland sea. …. Not only has science failed to prove that anthropogenic climate change is happening – to the extent proponents like the White House’s John Holdren have relabeled “Global Warming” to “Global Climate Change” to the now most ambiguous version, “Global Climate Disruption,” but the evidence suggests that the “scientists” peddling this theory have defrauded the public again and again.
View original post here: Obama’s tightrope on European airline emissions
Ice Ages and Delayed Feedbacks – Shakun et al. Eli is posting a translation of an article by Jörg Zimmermann (one of the G&T six ), about the implications of Shakun et al, and how by clarifying much about the feedbacks that bring the world out of the ice age it shakes a core tenant of climate change denial. The implications, although Jörg backs away a bit at the end in an overly scientific display of humility, are world shattering.
Read More: Modern Anthropogenic Global Warming in 5 minutes
I’m planning to write a post on how a revenue neutral carbon tax might, just might, have a shot in the US in the medium term. First though I have to disagree with William’s argument that a revenue-neutral carbon tax is the only way to go – or to be more fair, is the best political approach