Tag: author

May 9, 2014 0

The Day They Red Dogged Coal

By News Desk

Tweet Brian has a short post below describing the first large success 350.org has had convincing institutions to disinvest (somewhat like disrespect, a useful word that turns the stomach of the proper) in coal stocks.  As the comments point out this went down a lot smoother because coal stocks are falling like rocks in a frothely rising market.  The smart institutions have taken their losses, the dumber should and if you can get a bit of credit for it, well lagniappe is popular other places besides New Orleans.

March 13, 2014 0

Early Footnoteology

By News Desk

What struck me was Roger Pielke Jr’s attack of RealClimate’s sarcastic reaction to this sorry story , and his defense of Steve McIntyre, quoting him as follows: It is not my belief that Briffa crudely cherry picked. Fair enough, one might think.

March 4, 2014 0

The Angry Author

By News Desk

Tweet While copy-editing a paper, Eli was looking for the APS (American Physical Society) style manual, but fortunately Google knew better and delivered him to the APS style manual , but a different APS, and not for authors, but instructions to the copy editors, including this gem The Angry Author Sometimes you will encounter an author who, despite best efforts, intractably insists on something outrageous or is just a nasty, hostile person. It happens. The first thing that you should do is keep yourself calm and keep from escalating the situation