Tag: asia

March 24, 2013 0

West Drops Syria WMD Narrative As Evidence Points to Western-Armed Terrorists

By News Desk

Links West Drops Syria WMD Narrative As Evidence Points to Western-Armed Terrorists March 24, 2013 (LD) – For the US, UK, France, and its regional partners including Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, nothing would have suited their interests more than if the recent chemical attack reported in Aleppo Syria turned out to be (or could have been portrayed as being) the work of the Syrian government, or even "loose" weapons that had fallen into the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists the West both arms and condemns simultaneously. However, a strange silence has fallen across the Western media regarding the chemical attack which Israel had even claimed to have "confirmed ."  Now, a recent report published in the London Telegraph by Channel 4 journalist Alex Thomson has produced convincing evidence that implicates the West’s terrorist proxies as the perpetrators, and goes far in explaining the otherwise inexplicable silence exhibited by Wall Street and London’s propaganda machine.

March 6, 2013 0

US Plots Conquest of Venezuela in Wake of Chavez’ Death

By News Desk

March 6, 2013 (LD) – US corporate-financier funded think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), declared in its ” post-Chávez checklist for US policymakers ,” that the US must move quickly to reorganize Venezuela according to US interests. Upon its checklist were “key demands”: The ouster of narco-kingpins who now hold senior posts in government The respect for a constitutional succession The adoption of meaningful electoral reforms to ensure a fair campaign environment and a transparent vote count in expected presidential elections; and The dismantling of Iranian and Hezbollah networks in Venezuela In reality, AEI is talking about dismantling entirely the obstacles that have prevented the US and the corporate-financier interests that direct it, from installing a client regime and extracting entirely Venezuela’s wealth while obstructing, even dismantling the progress and geopolitical influence achieved by the late President Hugo Chavez throughout South America and beyond. The AEI “checklist” continues by stating: Now is the time for US diplomats to begin a quiet dialogue with key regional powers to explain the high cost of Chávez’s criminal regime, including the impact of chavista complicity with narcotraffickers who sow mayhem in Colombia, Central America, and Mexico.

February 25, 2013 0

Dead French Photographer was State Department-Funded – Embedded With Al Qaeda

By News Desk

The Post article titled, " In Syria, new influx of weapons to rebels tilts the battle against Assad ," admits:  A surge of rebel advances in Syria is being fueled at least in part by an influx of heavy weaponry in a renewed effort by outside powers to arm moderates in the Free Syrian Army, according to Arab and rebel officials. The new armaments, including anti-tank weapons and recoilless rifles, have been sent across the Jordanian border into the province of Daraa in recent weeks to counter the growing influence of Islamist extremist groups in the north of Syria by boosting more moderate groups fighting in the south, the officials say. Despite the rampant extremism in the north, French photographer Olivier Voisin found himself amongst these very militants in the midst of what we are told are waves of "rebel gains." Apparently these "gains" are being made at high costs

February 19, 2013 0

Foreign Meddling Ahead of Malaysia’s Elections

By News Desk

Foreign Meddling Ahead of Malaysia’s Elections Xenophon: The Not-so Impartial Observer  February 20, 2013 ( Nile Bowie ) – Malaysia’s decision to detain and deport Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has become a hot topic of discussion across the nation’s blogosphere. Xenophon came to Kuala Lumpur as part of a seven-member international team of election observers invited by de-facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.