Tag: asia

February 27, 2014 0

The Nazi Coup in Ukraine

By News Desk

Links The Nazi Coup in Ukraine February 27, 2014 – Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.com appears on RT to provide his analysis of the latest developments in Ukraine.

February 23, 2014 0

Thailand: Regime Terror Campaign Intensifies

By News Desk

Thailand: Regime Terror Campaign Intensifies Image : A regime terror attack today left at leasttwo dead - a woman and a 12 year old boy. The regimehad threatened to carry out an armed terror campaignto quell growing dissent. It now appears the campaignis being carried out in earnest.  February 23, 2014  ( ATN ) – Coordinated grenade and gun attacks have been carried out across Thailand by the regime of  US-backed Thaksin Shinawatra  and his nepotist proxy, sister Yingluck Shinawatra in an attempt to quell growing dissent that now includes rice farmers once considered the foundation of the regime’s support.

February 10, 2014 0

Wall Street "Populism" Tramples Thailand’s Poor

By News Desk

Wall Street "Populism" Tramples Thailand’s Poor And how to pick them back up…  February 10, 2014 ( ATN ) -The West has praised Thaksin Shinawatra and his "populist" policies for years as an example of very best of modern progressive principles in practice. Cheap loans, free computers, and rice subsidies were hailed as democracy in action by the Western media – and those who questioned the unsustainable, corruption and scandal fraught policies were swiftly condemned as "elitists" who rejected equality. The goal of these policies were never to lift up the poor, but rather install Thaksin Shinawatra into power long enough to uproot Thailand’s indigenous institutions and open the nation up to foreign corporate-financier and geopolitical exploitation

February 3, 2014 0

Thailand: Sham Elections Unravel in Humiliation

By News Desk

In Bangkok Post’s article, " Lowest voter turnout in Samut Sakhon ," it reports:  The Northeast region recorded the biggest overall turnout with 56.14 per cent, followed by the North with 54.03 per cent, the South with 44.88 per cent and Central region with 42.38 percent. The Bangkok Post would compare these turnouts with 2011, where a 74% turnout was recorded, and stated that the overall voter turnout this year was 45%