Wall Street’s Man in Moscow Charged with Fraud
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Excerpt from: ASEAN Economic Community – Why, For What, and By Whom?
November 22, 2014  (Tony Cartalucci – LD) – CNN would lament in its article, " More held in military-led Thailand after flashing ‘Hunger Games’ salute ," that: The central figure in "The Hunger Games," the hit sci-fi series about an oppressed people’s struggle against a totalitarian regime, is being evoked for real, now, in Thailand among university students expressing their opposition to that southeast Asian nation’s military rulers.  Several students, from Bangkok to about 450 kilometers (280 miles) away to the northeast, have been detained in recent days after flashing the signature anti-establishment, three-fingered salute from"The Hunger Games." CNN would also admit that the "opposition" consisted of "several students," in fact, not even 10 nationwide, but before claiming inexplicably that, "there’s little indication the opposition is going away." And perhaps CNN is right – if one considers what the "opposition" really is. If it is actual people in Thailand, there is obviously no opposition. If it is special interests upon Wall Street and in the City of London that hand CNN, the BBC, and other news organizations their talking points, then indeed, the opposition remains.