Catalan Leaders Defy Madrid, Hold Independence Referendum
The Financial Times reports Catalan Leaders Hope Poll Turnout Will Send Independence Signal .
Hard hitting global and local news
The Financial Times reports Catalan Leaders Hope Poll Turnout Will Send Independence Signal .
It seems the Council on Foreign Affairs left out some key sentences in its transcript of A Conversation With Alan Greenspan . The conversation is between Alan Greenspan and Gillian Tett, U.S
Money Won the Election! The Center for Responsive Politics projects the 2014 mid-term election will cost roughly $3.67 billion. When all is said and done, Team Red (all Republican candidates, parties, committees and conservative outside groups) will spend $1.75 billion on this election.
View the original here: "Occupy Central’s" Dirty Money, Dirtier Leaders
Riots in Brussels: 100,000 Protest Austerity, Overturn Cars, Throw Fire Bombs; Wherefore Art Thou Austerity? In Search of Austerity In spite of the fact there has been little-to-no austerity to speak of in Europe, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, (rising government debt proves that claim), France moans about austerity, Spain moans about austerity, Italy moans about austerity, and economists like Krugman moan about austerity.
Link: Eurozone Target2 Imbalances Rise Again, Led by Italy
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