Obama Goes After UK, Australia, the World for "Constant China Accommodation"; US Influence Clearly Waning
Read the article: Obama Goes After UK, Australia, the World for "Constant China Accommodation"; US Influence Clearly Waning
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Read the article: Obama Goes After UK, Australia, the World for "Constant China Accommodation"; US Influence Clearly Waning
Visit site: Putin Prepared to Use Nukes to Keep Crimea; Wild Rumors of Putin Missing Debunked
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How Long Before Cash is Banned? Posted by Michael Shedlock at 12:42 AM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy.
Bloomberg reports Detroit’s Desire Is Named Streetcar in Transport Revival . Electric streetcars may roll Detroit’s streets again after 60 years in an attempt to use mass transit to resuscitate the bankrupt auto capital.
Continue Reading: Atlanta Fed Halves GDP Forecast to 0.6%; Blue Chip Consensus Eight Miles High
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Please consider Why Beijing’s Troubles Could Get a Lot Worse . Barron’s: Investors seem far more concerned about Europe’s sinking into economic despond than slowing growth in China.
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