Tag: accounting

April 29, 2013 0

Increasing Likelihood of Unstable German Coalition Following Next Elections

By News Desk

The Financial Times reports Greens and SPD close ranks in battle against Angela Merkel . Germany’s main centre-left opposition parties closed ranks over the weekend in their uphill battle against Angela Merkel, with the Greens signalling a decisive shift to the left. During a three-day party congress in Berlin five months before national elections, the Greens positioned themselves to the left of the Social Democrats (SPD) with calls for higher income tax and a property levy on the rich

April 25, 2013 0

Chicago Natural Resources Expo April 26 Reminder

By News Desk

Chicago Natural Resources Expo April 26 Reminder Reminder: Those in the greater Chicago area should plan on attending the Chicago Natural Resources Expo on April 26 for a discussion about gold, silver, hard assets, inflation, currencies (or whatever else is on your mind). You also have the opportunity to meet with various natural resource company executives. Venue change: Previously this was a Friday evening-Saturday Afternoon event

April 24, 2013 0

Spain’s GDP Contracts at 2% Annualized Rate in First Quarter

By News Desk

According to the Bank of Spain and as reported by Libre Mercado , Spain’s GDP Drops at 2% Annualized Rate in First Quarter The Spanish economy fell 0.5% in the first quarter and declined 2% year on year, according to economic bulletin of the Bank of Spain , which estimates a fall of 4.5% of employment in the same period, two tenths less than in the previous quarter. The monetary authority notes that Spain continued the "contraction pattern" of activity in the first quarter, although at a "more muted" than in the final last year, where the GDP contracted by 0.8 % quarterly rate.