Payroll Employment for Age Group 18 to 29 Shows Fewer Full-Time Employment "Regardless of Education"
View article: Payroll Employment for Age Group 18 to 29 Shows Fewer Full-Time Employment "Regardless of Education"
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View article: Payroll Employment for Age Group 18 to 29 Shows Fewer Full-Time Employment "Regardless of Education"
Continued here: Spain Levies Consumption Tax on Sunlight
Motor Vehicles and Parts +1.3% Non-Defense Aircraft and Parts +31.4% Defense Aircraft and Parts +18.7% Other Durable Goods +0.1% One quick glance at new orders will give you the "easily seen" look at the durable goods numbers. Although such analysis is "easily seen" not many bother
Now That’s Backwardation! Recall the definition of backwardation: Current price above future delivery price . There are many reasons this can happen with commodities, but the typical explanations are: temporary short-term supply shortage, expected future supply, or expected falling demand. Supposedly this can never happen with gold because " gold is money ".