Tag: accounting

July 25, 2013 0

Durable Goods: Seen and Unseen (the Good, the Bad, the Ugly)

By News Desk

Motor Vehicles and Parts +1.3% Non-Defense Aircraft and Parts +31.4% Defense Aircraft and Parts  +18.7% Other Durable Goods +0.1% One quick glance at new orders will give you the "easily seen" look at the durable goods numbers. Although such analysis is "easily seen" not many bother

July 24, 2013 0

Gold Backwardation Conspiracy Nonsense

By News Desk

Now That’s Backwardation! Recall the definition of backwardation: Current price above future delivery price . There are many reasons this can happen with commodities, but the typical explanations are: temporary short-term supply shortage, expected future supply, or expected falling demand. Supposedly this can never happen with gold because " gold is money ".

July 22, 2013 0

World’s Dumbest Idea

By News Desk

Denning says Milton Friedman is the The Origin Of ‘The World’s Dumbest Idea’ . No popular idea ever has a single origin. But the idea that the sole purpose of a firm is to make money for its shareholders got going in a major way with an article by Milton Friedman in the New York Times on September 13, 1970.