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See the original post: Tim Ball can’t meet Trumps’ timeframe for disavowal of Velikovsky
Read More: Christie isn’t the only one regretting his Trump endorsement
Continued here: DiCaprio, Gore and the Scientists Circular Firing Squad
Tweet I first saw Clare Malone at 538 suggest it , then somewhere else – Kasich is in the race to be Vice President. It makes sense of course that any second-tier candidate would have this as the backup possibility. Kasich has mostly stayed out of the mud (he did attack Trump some last fall), and his staying in the race is tremendously helpful for Trump.
Tweet Originally introduced in WW I as surveillance platforms, lighter than air vehicles are making a comeback even in competition with drones. Â For one thing they can carry a lot of stuff including people and stay on station like forever In the meantime, his surveillance-blimp business is thriving.
( Source ) Nuclear power proponents keep saying that environmentalists should sing a nuclear tune, and a few enviros agree. Personally I remain "meh", maybe even moreso (moremeh?) over the years as the price of renewables and storage keep dropping. I know that nuclear power cost breakthroughs are scheduled for South Korea and China, but we’ve all heard that one before.