July 5, 2012 0

Ice Ages and Delayed Feedbacks – Shakun et al.

By News Desk

Ice Ages and Delayed Feedbacks – Shakun et al. Eli is posting a translation of an article by  Jörg Zimmermann (one of the G&T six ), about the implications of Shakun et al, and how by clarifying much about the feedbacks that bring the world out of the ice age it shakes a core tenant of climate change denial.  The implications, although Jörg backs away a bit at the end in an overly scientific display of humility, are world shattering.

July 3, 2012 0

Hot Times

By News Desk

and now, let the ownage begin.these statistics come from "A Chronological Listing of Early Weather Events"these are the temperature highs in the United States for 1894Tucson, Arizona (106° F, 41.1° C)Yuma, Arizona (113° F, 45.0° C)Little Rock, Arkansas (103° F, 39.4° C)Fort Smith, Arkansas (105° F, 40.6° C)New Haven, Connecticut ( 94° F, 34.4° C)New London, Connecticut ( 90° F, 32.2° C)Wilmington, Delaware (101° F, 38.3° C)Washington, D.C. ( 97° F, 36.1° C)Pensacola, Florida ( 93° F, 33.9° C)Key West, Florida ( 90° F, 32.2° C)Augusta, Georgia ( 92° F, 33.3° C)Savannah, Georgia ( 94° F, 34.4° C)Payette, Idaho (107° F, 41.7° C)Lewiston, Idaho (105° F, 40.6° C)Chicago, Illinois ( 96° F, 35.6° C)Cairo, Illinois ( 95° F, 35.0° C)Indianapolis, Indiana ( 97° F, 36.1° C)Lafayette, Indiana (100° F, 37.8° C)Dubuque, Iowa (102° F, 38.9° C)Keokuk, Iowa (102° F, 38.9° C)Logan, Iowa (110° F, 43.3° C)Topeka, Kansas (101° F, 38.3° C)Elk City, Kansas (115° F, 46.1° C)Dodge City, Kansas (106° F, 41.1° C)Louisville, Kentucky ( 96° F, 35.6° C)Lexington, Kentucky ( 93° F, 33.9° C)New Orleans, Louisiana ( 99° F, 37.2° C)Shreveport, Louisiana (101° F, 38.3° C)Eastport, Maine ( 91° F, 32.8° C)Portland, Maine ( 97° F, 36.1° C)Baltimore, Maryland ( 97° F, 36.1° C)Boston, Massachusetts ( 97° F, 36.1° C)Nantucket, Massachusetts ( 85° F, 29.4° C)Marquette, Michigan (100° F, 37.8° C)Detroit, Michigan ( 96° F, 35.6° C)Saint Vincent, Minnesota (100° F, 37.8° C)Saint Paul, Minnesota (100° F, 37.8° C)Vicksburg, Mississippi (100° F, 37.8° C)Saint Louis, Missouri ( 98° F, 36.7° C)Billings, Montana (103° F, 39.4° C)Helena, Montana ( 94° F, 34.4° C)North Platte, Nebraska (103° F, 39.4° C)Omaha, Nebraska (106° F, 41.1° C)Winnemucca, Nevada ( 94° F, 34.4° C)Carson City, Nevada ( 90° F, 32.2° C)West Milan, New Hampshire ( 90° F, 32.2° C)New Brunswick, New Jersey (100° F, 37.8° C)Cape May, New Jersey ( 90° F, 32.2° C)Santa Fe, New Mexico ( 84° F, 28.9° C)Albany, New York ( 97° F, 36.1° C)New York City, New York ( 96° F, 35.6° C)Charlotte, North Carolina ( 93° F, 33.9° C)Kitty Hawk, North Carolina ( 90° F, 32.2° C)Bismarck, North Dakota (101° F, 38.3° C)Williston, North Dakota (100° F, 37.8° C)Cincinnati, Ohio ( 95° F, 35.0° C)Columbus, Ohio ( 97° F, 36.1° C)Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (104° F, 40.0° C)Fort Sill, Oklahoma (108° F, 42.2° C)

July 2, 2012 0

Particle Zombie News

By News Desk

Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional. His colleagues are smart, but they have a curious inability to see the holes that they dig for themselves

July 2, 2012 0

America != Europe. How’s that for insight?

By News Desk

I’m planning to write a post on how a revenue neutral carbon tax might, just might, have a shot in the US in the medium term.  First though I have to disagree with William’s argument that a revenue-neutral carbon tax is the only way to go – or to be more fair, is the best political approach